Ferrus Manus – Primarch of the Iron Hands

Iron Hands Primarch Ferrus Manus by Forge World

Just in time for Games Day UK 2013, Forge World reveals their third Primarch miniature for their line of Horus Heresy products: Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marines Legions. “The Gorgon” also is the first loyalist Primarch Forge World made. Like Fulgrim, Ferrus will cost £55,-. Have a look! #1 – Ferrus Manus – […]

3 Miniature Kickstarters Worthy of Support


It has been a while since I wrote a post of this kind. To an extend, I suffered some Kickstarter / Crowd-funding burn-out, even though I immensely enjoy the crowd-funding loot I did (so far) receive, including the Massive Voodoo Figure Art book and, of course, DreadBall. Yet there are several interesting Kickstarter-campaigns running at […]

Amazing Tau Diorama from Germany’s Golden Vinci 2013

Warhammer 40K Tau Diorama

Last week, a miniature painting competition was held in Germany, the Golden Vinci 2013. Lots of awesome miniatures. Lots of deserving winners. To me – judging less the painting quality (for which I would not be qualified), but more the pure awesomeness of the overall composition – one piece in particular stood out. The Imperial […]

Last Days Of The Angels: Aspirations to Build the Largest 40K Diorama… and to Tell a Story

Last Days of the Angels | Blood Angels Diorama

Few things have enlivened the Miniature Wargaming Hobby as much as the recent emergence of crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. One particularly fascinating, creative and daring project on Indiegogo in particular stood out for me: Last Days of The Angels by Spanish painting studio BallisticSkill4.