Just in time for Games Day UK 2013, Forge World reveals their third Primarch miniature for their line of Horus Heresy products: Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marines Legions. “The Gorgon” also is the first loyalist Primarch Forge World made. Like Fulgrim, Ferrus will cost £55,-. Have a look! #1 – Ferrus Manus – […]
3 Miniature Kickstarters Worthy of Support
It has been a while since I wrote a post of this kind. To an extend, I suffered some Kickstarter / Crowd-funding burn-out, even though I immensely enjoy the crowd-funding loot I did (so far) receive, including the Massive Voodoo Figure Art book and, of course, DreadBall. Yet there are several interesting Kickstarter-campaigns running at […]
Amazing Tau Diorama from Germany’s Golden Vinci 2013
Last week, a miniature painting competition was held in Germany, the Golden Vinci 2013. Lots of awesome miniatures. Lots of deserving winners. To me – judging less the painting quality (for which I would not be qualified), but more the pure awesomeness of the overall composition – one piece in particular stood out. The Imperial […]
Last Days Of The Angels: Aspirations to Build the Largest 40K Diorama… and to Tell a Story
Few things have enlivened the Miniature Wargaming Hobby as much as the recent emergence of crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. One particularly fascinating, creative and daring project on Indiegogo in particular stood out for me: Last Days of The Angels by Spanish painting studio BallisticSkill4.