If you’re a (more or less) regular reader of Pins of War, you’ll know that I’m an avid player of Mantic Games’ DreadBall. The game, however, has gone through somewhat of a roller-coaster. Season 1 – the original DreadBall – was a brilliant and fast game. Season 2, in contrast, sent the game on a […]
DreadBall Big Guys
One by one, we’re getting more insights into one of DreadBall’s (literally) largest remaining mysteries: the multi-hex players. During the Deadzone Kickstarter, Mantic showed off some of their new-found skills with digital sculpts by releasing renders of the DreadBall Mech. An armed variant, I believe, will be made for Deadzone (and Warpath) as well. Now, DreadBall […]
DreadBall Mech – Mantic’s Digital Sculpt for DreadBall!
Mantic Games is frantically producing one great game after another. They are now on Kickstarter for Deadzone, a Sci-Fi skirmish game promising to bring easy, fast game-play of board games to the table (read the Interview with Jake Thornton for details). Though game-play is one innovation of Deadzone, another one is Mantic’s foray into digital […]