Interview – James Hewitt Talks DreadBall Ultimate

DreadBall Ultimate Interview

News about the latest version of DreadBall – DreadBall Ultimate – has been everywhere. I looked at the new Season 3 DreadBall teams before (I am still not sure which one I should paint;  though Nameless with all those tentacles are my current favourite). The bigger (!) addition to the game are clearly the DreadBall GIANTS (only […]

DreadBall Big Guys

DreadBall Alpha Simian Miniature

One by one, we’re getting more insights into one of DreadBall’s (literally) largest remaining mysteries: the multi-hex players. During the Deadzone Kickstarter, Mantic showed off some of their new-found skills with digital sculpts by releasing renders of the DreadBall Mech. An armed variant, I believe, will be made for Deadzone (and Warpath) as well. Now, DreadBall […]