Bristol DreadBall Tournament Report – Part 2

DreadBall Void Sirens Tournament Report

Bristol DreadBall Tournament Report – Part 2! If you missed it, read my DreadBall Tournament Report Part 1. In a nutshell, I was down in the South-West and took my Void Sirens to a DreadBall Regional in Bristol and ended up taking home the trophy. It was a 5 game tournament, and I won the first […]

Bristol DreadBall Tournament Report – Part 1

DreadBall Tournament Void Sirens

Last weekend, I took home a DreadBall tournament trophy from Bristol (at Vanguard Gaming, a hobby center sitting nicely on the pictoresque canal seen above). Here are a few more details on the actual games I played. I didn’t take notes during the tournament itself, so a few details may be off. The basics should […]

A DreadBall Tournament Trophy from Bristol!

DreadBall Regional Tournament

I haven’t been able to play a DreadBall tournament since going up to Nottingham this spring for Mantic Games’ Mantic Day and DreadBall tournament with my Marauders team, Being in the South-West for work this weekend, I had the opportunity to stop by in Bristol today for the DreadBall Regional, held at the awesome wargaming […]

Dear Mantic Games… DreadBall Needs Fixing!

DreadBall Season 2 Judwan

Playing at Mantic’s Open Day DreadBall tournament this weekend reminded me once again of what a fantastic game DreadBall really is. DreadBall is fun, fast, furious and (almost) always exciting up to the very last turn (or “Rush“, as DreadBall calls them). If you haven’t yet, you should definitely give DreadBall a shot. It’s an […]

Pictures and Impressions from Mantic Open Day 2013

Mantic Games Logo

Having missed every gaming event this year so far, and still holding a Mantic Ticket from the DreadBall Kickstarter, I headed to Nottingham for Mantic’s Open Day and DreadBall tournament. The DreadBall tournament was a blast, though I’ll keep my DreadBall thoughts for another post. However, even though I spend most of the day focused […]

Coach Me! Building a DreadBall Smackers Line-Up

DreadBall Endgame

I did not (yet) have a lot of opportunities to play games at events and conventions this year. I even had to give Salute 2013 a miss. Oh well. With a few deadlines out of the way, I thought I’d jump back in. In particular, I think it is about time to redeem my DreadBall Kickstarter-ticket […]