Last weekend, one of Europe’s biggest gaming convention – Essen Spiel – was held in – as the name says – Essen in Germany. Lots of interesting things going on, and several miniatures companies were present to show off their newest games and miniatures. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend. However, the guys (and girls?) […]
Amazon Wants You To Write Fanfiction For Money – Will Wargaming Companies Play?
Writing fan fiction is a curious hobby. People pour in heart and soul writing something which they can never truly published because they don’t own the rights. Despite this, thousands of pages of fan fiction are written every day, and not a few of them for wargaming universes such as Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K or the […]
Achtung! Cthulhu Miniatures by Modiphius on Kickstarter!
Heads up for Achtung! Cthulhu, which is now on Kickstarter with lots of pen-and-paper RPG goodness and (!) some amazing miniatures. I am convinced 2013 is going to be remembered as the year of “Kickstarter-miniature-madness”. There are so many awesome games and miniatures (along with a few bad apples) out there. So much creativity unleashed […]
Dust Warfare vs. Warhammer 40K in two pics!
To be honest, I don’t know much about Dust Tactics or Dust Warfare. But sometimes the differences between games, their design and philosophy, can be illustrated with surprising ease. A recent Dust Models release of army mechanics allows me to do just this: Dust Warfare vs. Warhammer 40K as told by two very similar and […]