James Wappel! He paints like the devil, runs an awe-inspiring miniature-painting blog, and is about to launch a Kickstarter for a massive line of “learning-to-paint-miniatures”-DVDs. When I first heard of his Kickstarter plans, I knew I had to ask him a few questions. “Painting-Kickstarters”, so far, had a harder time than games and miniatures. If [...]
Interview – James Wappel
January 7, 2013 1 Comment
Filed Under: 28mm, Art, Blogging, Chaos Space Marines, CoolMiniOrNot, Crowd-Funding, Interview, Kickstarter, Miniature Painting, Social Media Marketing, Wargaming Industry Tagged With: Blood Bowl, Blood Slaughterer, CoolMiniOrNot, Dark Age Games, DVDs, Interview, James Wappel, Judgement, Khorne Impaler, Kickstarter, Learn how to paint, Miniature Painting, Praying Mantis, Predator, Raging Heroes, Ultraforge, Urban Mammoth