Mantic’s Warpath Deathzone Teasers… (on Twitter)

Mantic Games Warpath 2.0

Mantic’s Kickstarter-drive for the Warpath: Deathzone miniature skirmish game is soon upon us. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Mantic so far. One thing that is undeniable, however, is that Mantic’s by now a true master of stirring up publicity for their products (on Kickstarter especially). And they seem to have a whole lot of [...]

Pictures of Season One MVPs for DreadBall

DreadBall Most Valuable Players

Mantic Games’ Blog just concluded a week of DreadBall coverage. Having pledge a sizable chunk of money to the DreadBall Kickstarter, I was treated to the strangest of experiences. Day by day, blog-post by blog-post, I witnessed the slow reveal of miniatures I had already purchased! Anyhow, here are Mantic’s first batch of Most Valuable [...]