Game Design: How We Made Twelve Elements of War

Twelve Elements of War

When we first approached the task of making a set of rules for Twelve Elements of War, there were so many questions that had to be answered before we could make the game. So we sat down and talked about the things we DIDN’T want in this game… This made us think about all those […]

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Teaser

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos

Games Workshop keeps piling on Chaos. We’ve just seen the Chaos Space Marines Codex spearhead Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Warriors of Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy are following right behind. A first “teaser-video” was just released by Games Workshop on YouTube. Like most of these teaser-videos, it doesn’t show much. Except, that the release is imminent.

Wrath of Kings: Next Kickstarter by CoolMiniOrNot is a Fantasy Wargame!

Wrath of KIngs

CoolMiniOrNot are the serial offenders of miniature Kickstarters. Their third project, Relic Knights with miniatures from Soda Pop, is just gathering a bit of steam in its challenge to the hugely popular predecessors of Zombicide and Sedition War.  Their next offering is already in the making. The 32mm fantasy game Wrath of Kings.