Review: The Imperial Truth – A Horus Heresy Anthology

Imperial Truth Horus Heresy Anthology

Another event-exclusive book I took home from Games Day 2013: The Imperial Truth! The Imperial Truth is an anthology of 6 Horus Heresy stories. Unlike the “regular” Space Marines 2013 Games Day Anthology, these are proper “full-sized” short stories. Also, for being a Horus Heresy anthology, there were surprisingly few Space Marines stories in The […]

Poll: Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature (so far)?

Warhammer 40K Poll

Your favourite Primarch model? I wanted to ask this for a while, but … well, never had the time. However, with Games Day fast approaching, it seems like the right question for this weekend! Which Primarch miniature released by Forge World (since starting on them on last years Games Day) is your favourite? If you […]

Ferrus Manus – Primarch of the Iron Hands

Iron Hands Primarch Ferrus Manus by Forge World

Just in time for Games Day UK 2013, Forge World reveals their third Primarch miniature for their line of Horus Heresy products: Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marines Legions. “The Gorgon” also is the first loyalist Primarch Forge World made. Like Fulgrim, Ferrus will cost £55,-. Have a look! #1 – Ferrus Manus – […]

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators


Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield! The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge […]

A Book Review of Fulgrim by Graham McNeill

Fulgrim by Grapham McNeill

With the recent release of Forge World’s Fulgrim miniature, it seemed like a good time to get back into the Horus Heresy series and pick up the next book after The Flight of the Eisenstein. That book, of course, is Graham McNeill’s Fulgrim. Fulgrim is an odd book. The story has a few problems if […]