Green!? – Thoughts on the New Dark Elves Images

Warhammer Dark Elves Leaked Pictures

After Games Workshop’s Dark Elf teaser trailer yesterday, the latest White Dwarf appears to have made it into the houses of the first few people, and people are scanning away happily. These blogs are sharing their impression from the new Dark Elf-themed White Dwarf: LilLegend Studio 40K Warzone Blue Table Painting and Facebook, of course! […]

Is Knight Models Launching 28mm Hobbit Miniatures?

28mm The Hobbit Miniatures

Now here is an interesting little thing I found browsing Facebook. Knight Models, a company know mainly for producing miniatures based on DC Comics & Marvel superheroes, as well as the Batman Miniatures Game, previewed a green for what looks a lot like a 28mm Gandalf. This is only re-enforced by the quote from the […]