Book Review – The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War

Privateer Press The Warlock Sagas Instruments of War

The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War is one of three initial publications by Privateer Press’ new e-book outfit. Specifically, it’s a story for their Hordes miniatures game, telling an origins/coming-of-age story for Archdomina Makeda, a prominent character in the tabletop game as well. I struggled a bit to get “into it” at first, possibly because [...]

Privateer Press’ Skull Island Expedition Books Available

Privateer Press' Skull Island Expeditions

This is a few days late, I admit. I am just not plugged into the Privateer stuff as much as I could. Some time ago, I noted how Privateer Press released plans to launch a few books set in the Iron Kingdoms; a serious step in the fluff-offensive for the miniature-wargaming throne. Indeed, the first [...]

Hordes: Gargantuans Released by Privateer Press

Privateer Press Mountain King

I still fail miserably at getting into Privateer games, but this sounds like a big one (no pun intended) for Hordes. Privateer Press sent out emails announcing the release of the Gargantuans book for Hordes. There’s not a whole lot I can tell you, other than that I really like large, stompy miniatures! #1 – From [...]

New Digital Reader App from Privateer Press

Privateer Press Novels

I still cannot really get excited about their games, though I really liked the Hordes Gargantuans they put out. However, I greatly admire Privateer Press for its efforts to bring their wargaming forward to the digital age. Here, they always seem to be ahead of the curve compared to others. Now Privateer Press announced their [...]

Poll: Best Gargantuan for Privateer’s Hordes?

Warhammer 40K Poll

There are finally pictures for all the four Privateer Press Gargantuans (there might be a 5th coming for Minions?). With the Hordes Gargantuans (and Warmachine Colossal), Privateer wrestles its way into the large miniature segment with some stunning sculpts. Which Gargantuan is your favourite: The Mountain King, the Woldwrath, the Archangel or the Mammoth?

Privateer Press to Publish Iron Kingdom Novels

Privateer Press Novels

I don’t (yet?) play Privateer Press games. Part of the reason might be that I never felt drawn to the Iron Kingdoms setting as I am to universe of Warhammer 40K – not least by indulging it in the form of Black Library novels. Most miniature companies these days, however, are keenly aware of the [...]

I won the ‘Druid Gone Wilder’ Giveaway from Disobedient Donkey Games!

Disobedient Donkey Games Logo

Quite a coincidence. I launch into the first giveaway of my own and on the very same day I win the Druid Gone Wilder Gen-Con exclusive from Disobedient Donkey Games. Hell, I almost missed to call in on time because I was so busy setting up my own giveaway and getting some university-stuff in on time. [...]