Ok. I am in the middle of establishing a Pins of War Forward Operating Base in the lead belt. Part of that will be setting up a new corner for me to paint. Paints and brushes, I can mostly take from home I believe. Most of the other equipment, I will have to get new, […]
What To Buy For A New Miniatures Paint Station?
October 23, 2013 6 Comments
Filed Under: Blogging, Games Workshop, Miniature Painting, Miniature Wargaming, Uncategorized, Warhammer Tagged With: Citadel Paint Station, Fluorescent Magnifying Lamp, Hobby Brushes, Hobby Knife, How to Paint Miniatures, Lighting, Liquid Green Stuff, Miniature Painting, New Paint Materials, New Paint Station, Pins of War
MiniWarGaming Prepares a new Indiegogo Campaign
April 25, 2013 5 Comments
MiniWarGaming.com is a very interesting company to follow right now. Not just because they produce great, fun videos, but because they embody the shifts in the industry like nobody else. #1 – MiniWarGaming.com – A Recap Miniwargaming started as a YouTube channel for Warhammer 40K videos, battle-reports, tutorials, etc.., along with a Canada-based online store […]
Filed Under: 28mm Miniatures, Crowd-Funding, Indiegogo, Miniature Wargaming, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Wargaming Industry, Youtube Tagged With: April13, Crowdfunding, Dark Potential, How to Paint Miniatures, Indiegogo, Miniature Painting Videos, Miniature Wargaming, Miniwargaming, New Indiegogo, Sci-Fi Miniatures, Warhammer, Youtube
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