What To Buy For A New Miniatures Paint Station?

How To Start Painting Miniatures

Ok. I am in the middle of establishing a Pins of War Forward Operating Base in the lead belt. Part of that will be setting up a new corner for me to paint. Paints and brushes, I can mostly take from home I believe. Most of the other equipment, I will have to get new, […]

MiniWarGaming Prepares a new Indiegogo Campaign

Warhammer MiniWargaming

MiniWarGaming.com is a very interesting company to follow right now. Not just because they produce great, fun videos, but because they embody the shifts in the industry like nobody else. #1 – MiniWarGaming.com – A Recap Miniwargaming started as a YouTube channel for Warhammer 40K videos, battle-reports, tutorials, etc.., along with a Canada-based online store […]