Oh boy… The Primarchs are here, and no, they are not from Forge World. Polish miniature painting studio Den of Imagination has been sculpting and showing off their version of the famous Warhammer 40K Primarchs, exquisitely sculpted in (mostly) green-stuff and to match official Games Workshop artwork of the Primarchs to boot. They are not […]
New Codex Sisters of Battle?
The big news are the new Dark Elves for Warhammer Fantasy. Are they? Look what was found in the latest White Dwarf! Update: The digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas is now available on iTunes. Codex Sisters of Battle Thoughts? Absolutely no rumour-monger saw that one coming. But is it the real thing? Or just a digital […]
Do You Still Field Space Marine Terminators?
Is there still a role for Terminators in a 6th Edition Space Marines army? Do you still field them with the new Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Space Marines Codex? If yes, how? #1 – Space Marines Terminators in 6th Edition It is one of the curiosities of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition that Terminators somehow got […]
Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators
Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield! The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge […]
Forge World Magos Dominus & Castellax Battle-Automata
While Games Workshop – the Studio – is preparing for a new Warhammer 40K Space Marines release, their Forge World branch is exploring some of the more exotic parts of the Horus Heresy. Specifically the Priesthood of Mars (not quite the Adeptus Mechanicus yet), with the release of the Magos Dominus and the Castellax Battle-Automata. […]
5 Space Marine Rumours That Are Hard To Believe!
Will the next release by Games Workshop, in September 2013, be a new Space Marines Codex? For a while, all sorts of different predictions and rumours were floating about. Orks. Black Templars. On top of that, there’re still rumours about a 40K Skirmish Game, which superseded rumours that there would be a new Blood Bowl. […]
War Zones – Supplements for Warhammer 40K Apocalypse
Supplements are all the rage with Games Workshop these days. We had the first Codex Supplement – Iyanden – for the Eldar Codex just a few weeks ago. A new Farsight Supplement (possibly eBook only) for the Tau was announced in the most recent White Dwarf. I suppose it is only logical that the new […]