MiniWarGaming Reacts To New GW Trade Agreements

Warhammer MiniWargaming

Disclaimer upfront: I don’t really know a lot about “doing business” with Games Workshop. I mainly blog to take my mind off other things. Still, blogging about Games Workshop inevitably let me to pick up some of the bits and bobs that come with selling Games Workshop stuff. Most notably… The Death from the Skies [...]

Games Workshop Shuts Down Internet Retailers

Games Workshop Company

The new Tau miniatures have been hogging most of the blogoshpere headlines the last few days. However, another hot item were rumours about Games Workshop’s new retailer policy. Early whispers had it (correctly) that GW was putting in place tighter regulations to clamp down on bitz-resellers (with a GW trade-account, not those cutting up GW-kits [...]