Glimpses of DreadBall Extreme

Mantic Games Logo

Mantic Open Day (the second this year, after the Open Day in May) has come and gone. Though Deadzone is clearly the current hot topic, there were also some glimpses of what will happen to DreadBall in the future, now that the last Kickstarter-shipment has been sent. #1 – DreadBall Convicts and Brokkrs Here are […]

Kings of War at Beasts of War (and Giveaways!)

Mantic Games Kings of War

If you haven’t seen it, Beasts of War and Mantic Games are in the middle of a themed “Kings of War week” over on Beasts of War. If you’ve ever wondered what Kings of War – Mantic Games’ Fantasy Wargame – is all about, this is a good opportunity to have a look at some […]

Mantic Games Disappointing Basilean Hard Plastic Sprues

Mantic Games

If you are in the miniatures wargaming hobby, chances are you’ve bought and painted, even collected Games Workshop miniatures at some point. If you did, you probably share the ambivalent relationship most people have with Nottingham’s most famous miniatures company. Their prices are sky-high, their approaches to marketing puzzling and their treatment of fans and […]

Pictures and Impressions from Mantic Open Day 2013

Mantic Games Logo

Having missed every gaming event this year so far, and still holding a Mantic Ticket from the DreadBall Kickstarter, I headed to Nottingham for Mantic’s Open Day and DreadBall tournament. The DreadBall tournament was a blast, though I’ll keep my DreadBall thoughts for another post. However, even though I spend most of the day focused […]

Rémy Tremblay to Sculpt Warpath for Mantic?

Mantic Games Warpath 2.0

It is no big news that Mantic Games is looking for the really big splash with their upcoming Warpath Kickstarter. First, to bring their game rules up to scratch with Warpath 2.0, Mantic Games hired former Games Workshop rules designer Alessio Cavatore. Now, to bring the miniature line up to speed, it seems they extended […]

Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #5

Ravage Miniature Gaming Magazine #5 Review

Time to review the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine. Or, more accurately, share my first impression. This is the first time I held and read this gaming magazine. The copy I have is the English language version released by Specifically, I have issue #5 for December 2012 – January 2013 of this bi-monthly magazine. I […]