A Leaked First Look at the Dark Angels Rules

Dark Angels Warhammer 40K

It looks like someone spilled some Dark Angels rules via Faeit212. I sure cannot vouch for the veracity of these rumours. However, taken at face value, there seems to be some interesting stuff in there; mechanics of a kind we have not yet seen in Warhammer 40K so far. By all accounts, the Dark Angels [...]

The Great and Terrible Dark Angels…

Dark Angels Warhammer 40K

It is time! The White Dwarf pictures have circulated on the internet. Now it is official. The Dark Angels are here. Check out the latest release for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K: the Dark Angels  in all their dark and gothic splendour. Deathwing, Ravenwing, new sculpts for Asmodai and Belial, and the new Dark Angels Codex, including as (slightly [...]

A Short History of the 40K Land Speeder

Warhammer 40K Land Speeder

Land Speeders. I suppose most people now saw the leaked White Dwarf Dark Angels pictures. Lots of interesting things to start the Hobby Year 2013. One of the most controversial is clearly the new Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance. For me, it is as good an opportunity as any for a trip down memory lane. A [...]