Plastic Eldar Farseer Leaked!


Holy! What a weekend. First the Warhammer Fantasy High Elves break, now their pointy-eared Sci-Fi cousins appear with a picture leaked via the ever reliable Faeit212! [link removed, as Faeit212 was taken down] Take a look at the blister for the evidently imminent Plastic Eldar Farseer for Warhammer 40K! #1 – The Leaked Blister Pic [...]

10 Leaked Pictures for the new High Elves!

Warhammer High Elves Leaked

Wow. What a day! Two high-quality pictures from the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Book for High Elves were leaked through a GW-store Facebook page some time ago. Now, more “conventional” White Dwarf scans have appeared on Warseer. Some really interesting kits… and a big release by the look of it. Enjoy! #1 – The [...]

New Tau Empire Miniatures!

Warhammer 40K New Tau

These have been stirring up the rumour-mill for a while: Tau Empire is the next release by Games Workshop for Warhammer 40K. The pictures are admittedly still not ideal quality (nature of leaks like this). However, I am greatly impressed with Games Workshop’s souped up release schedule. The 3rd Warhammer 40K army in the 1st [...]

February Warriors of Chaos Pictures Leaked


Another White Dwarf leak. It appears that February will see a release for Warhammer Fantasy Battle’s Warriors of Chaos, hot on the heels of the miniatures released in November last year. Take a look at these beauties coming to a Fantasy table near you! #1 – A Massive Monster.. or Two! And what looks to [...]

More Dark Angels Pics from the White Dwarf

Dark Angels Watcher in the Dark

A lot of Dark Angel pictures spilled before Christmas. Now, three more pictures of the coming Dark Angels from January’s White Dwarf appeared. They include a first sighting of a Deathwing Terminator with Plasma Cannon, a shot of a Watcher in the Dark and the Dark Angel Standard Bearer. All in all, this one is [...]

Escape from Goblin Town: Pics of Radagast!

Radagast the Brown

Alright. Slowly but surely the veil is parting. Here are same first pictures from the limited edition Radagast Miniature for the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. Like the Chaplain for Dark Vengeance, he comes on a single sprue and will likely only be available in the limited edition of the Escape from Goblin Town starter box. [...]