Why Do Zombies Rule Kickstarter?

Zombies and Kickstarter

Why do Zombies rule Kickstarter.com? It is an honest question. If you came here looking for the answer, I must disappoint you. Yet, as anyone who spends time on the site will quickly find, Kickstarter.com is overrun by Zombies. They are everywhere! Clearly, the attraction of using Zombies for a Kickstarter project goes far beyond […]

6 Interesting New Eldar Rules

Warhammer 40K Eldar Falcon

The weekend is fast approaching, and with it the shipping of the new Eldar Codex. Speculations and rumours on the new rules for the Eldar abound. A rather complete compilation of what is out there has been put on pastebin. There are also some insights to be gleaned into a few of the units by […]

Interview – Maki Games Modular Wargaming Terrain

Maki Games Modular Wargaming Terrain

It has been a while since my last interview. However, there is an interesting new project currently on Kickstarter: Maki Games’ Modular Wargaming Scenery. The concept is brilliantly simple. Using a deceptively modelst core-module of a container – or Makitainer as they call it – a stunning range of wargaming scenery and terrain can be […]

Amazon Wants You To Write Fanfiction For Money – Will Wargaming Companies Play?

Warhammer 40K Fanfiction

Writing fan fiction is a curious hobby. People pour in heart and soul writing something which they can never truly published because they don’t own the rights. Despite this, thousands of pages of fan fiction are written every day, and not a few of them for wargaming universes such as Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K or the […]

Poll: What Is Your Favourite New Eldar Miniature?

Warhammer 40K Eldar Farseer

It has been a crazy week. After the sepulchral silence on the Eldar for weeks, bits and pieces of the new Warhammer 40K release started coming hard and fast all week. As a consequence, I’ve written about little else. I promise to be a bit more .. varied .. in the coming weeks. Still, I […]

Illic Nightspear – Did Mat Ward Write the Eldar Codex?

Eldar Special Characters Illic Nightspear

The Eldar will arrive this weekend (for pre-orders at least) to the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K. Games Workshop’s been exceptionally tight on this one, though the first images from the White Dwarf have started to appear the last couple of days. If you haven’t seen them, take a look: Eldar Spiritseer Eldar Hemlock Flyer Eldar […]

5 Golden Demon Winning Eldar Miniatures

Golden Demon winning Eldar

The Eldar are back! After weeks of silence with only a rare few whispers on the next Codex-release for Warhammer 40K, news finally broke: The Craftworld Eldar arrive with a shiny new 6th Edition Codex and new miniatures, including the massive (allegedly Baneblade-priced) Wraithknight. That said, Craftworld Eldar are not getting a complete make-over like […]

Warhammer 40K Eldar Release Detail Whispers

Warhammer 40K New Eldar Release Details

The arrival of the Eldar to Warhammer 40K 6th Edition is almost upon us. It appears that the new miniatures and Codex will go up for pre-order soon, possibly this Saturday, and be available for purchase starting June 8. Some details of what may (or may not) be in the Eldar release have been shared […]

The Eldar Wraithknight Arrives – A Review!

Eldar Wraithknight

The Eldar Wraithknight has arrived. Games Workshop seems to shoot for a slightly different visual style with their new range of Eldar Miniatures for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Time for a first review! How do the new 6th Edition Eldar miniatures compare to the existing Eldar in Warhammer 40K? Read on! #1 – A First Glimpse […]

Dear Mantic Games… DreadBall Needs Fixing!

DreadBall Season 2 Judwan

Playing at Mantic’s Open Day DreadBall tournament this weekend reminded me once again of what a fantastic game DreadBall really is. DreadBall is fun, fast, furious and (almost) always exciting up to the very last turn (or “Rush“, as DreadBall calls them). If you haven’t yet, you should definitely give DreadBall a shot. It’s an […]