Prodigy – Miniatures meet Video Games meet RPG?

Prodigy Miniatures Game

A rather mysterious new website appeared, complete with some art previews and a video full of teasing: Prodigy. Seems as if somebody is trying to cross the streams and combine miniature gaming with roleplaying and (!) video gameing. Not much more information than that, but have a look! Prodigy Teaser Video Hanakai Studio is proud […]

X-Wing Miniatures Wave 4: The TIE Phantom

Tie Phantom

Fantasy Flight Games revealed the 4th wave of X-Wing Miniatures. They are scheduled for the second Quarter of 2014, though delays are not unknown with these miniatures. Unlike the majority of previous X-Wing miniatures, the new ships all come from the Star Wars Extended Universe. Even so, it’s a surprise it took so long for the […]

X-Wing Miniatures Game – Imperial Aces Pilot Preview

X-Wing Tie Interceptor

I’ve clearly been sucked into the X-Wing Miniatures Games over the last few months, late to the party and all. Though I am mostly sticking to the Rebel side so far, it’s interesting to see what Fantasy Flight Games is planning for the future of the X-Wing Miniatures Game. The Imperial Aces Expansion is an […]

Unboxing the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game


I am somewhat late to the party. Nevertheless, after hearing lots of good things about Fantasy Flight Games’ smash-hit X Wing the Miniatures Game, I decided to take the plunge. It certainly is a great little game (more on that another time). Here’s what you get when you first open the basic box for the […]

Arena Rex – Interview Part 2

Gladiatorial Combat Kickstarter Skirmish Game

Yesterday I posted the part 1 of the Arena Rex interview with Walker on his new gladiatorial miniatures skirmish game, which is currently looking for support on Kickstarter. As I am writing this, Arena Rex broke US$ 100.000,-!! Here is part two. The Arena Rex Interview Part 2 covers the following: The Arena Rex Miniatures […]

DreadBall Season 2 Colour Scheme Testers

Z'zor Locust City Chiefs DreadBall Team

Quick Sunday update. If you’re on Mantic’s DreadBall Newsletter, you’ll probably have seen their latest colour scheme testers for two of the Season 2 teams for DreadBall. If you haven’t, than here are the pics. As you may or may not know, I have taken a special interest in the Locust City Chiefs Z’zor team. […]

Chaos Space Marines: A Forgefiend Preview

Chaos Space Marines Forgefiend

Bits and pieces of the upcoming Codex Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40K are out and about. I couldn’t resist stealing a few early glimpses. So I thought I’d share some of my fiends. Games Workshop really went all the way it seems to bring the infernal elements of the Chaos background to the fore. […]

Through the Breach: The Malifaux Roleplaying Game is on its Way to Kickstarter

Wyrd Games

Wyrd Miniatures is getting ready to launch a pen-and-paper roleplaying game (RPG) set in the universe of their increasingly popular Malifaux miniatures game. The Malifaux RPG will be titled “Through the Breach” and launch via Kickstarter later this year. Oh, and there is also a logo contest to test your design skills! Can anyone tell […]