40K Giveaway Madness on Masterminis.net

Join the Revolution on MasterminisNet

Heads-up for what is shaping up to be an interesting giveaway on Masterminis.net. I’ve recently ran two small giveaways (and I am still busy finding the last winners). A blog-giveaway of entirely different proportions is currently being rolled by Masterminis.net. It is… a bit complicated. But it looks like it will be worth it for [...]

Massive Voodoo’s Figure Art Book Indiegogo

Massive Voodoo Miniature Painting

Here is a quick heads-up for a mighty fine Indiegogo-campaign from the guys from Massive Voodoo; a Germany-based blog with a plethora of fantastic painting and hobby tutorials. Two of their painters - Roman Lappat and Raffaele Picca – started this crowd-funder to produce a high-quality, hard-cover art book of their best miniature work. Pure eye-candy, and the [...]

Blue Table Painting Kickstarts Controversy

Blue Table Painting Service

Blue Table Painting is now on Kickstarter offering their painting services. Doing so, they take the simmering controversy of Kickstarter-for-creatives vs. Kickstarter-for-business to a whole new level. It seems the line between Kickstarter as a place to crowd-fund “creativity” and a peculiar second store-front and pre-order-page is getting more blurred each week. Will projects like [...]

Poll: Is Dark Vengeance too Tough to Paint for a Starter?

Painted Chaplain 40K Dark Vengeance Box

Dark Vengeance is out and discussions abound on GW’s latest starter box. The box will shape people’s entry into the hobby for years to come (and bulk out many veteran gamers’ collection too, no doubt). I recently blogged about my difficulties scoring a limited edition. Now, as my box is on its way, I am [...]