Achtung! Cthulhu Miniatures by Modiphius on Kickstarter!

Achtung Cthulhu!

Heads up for Achtung! Cthulhu, which is now on Kickstarter with lots of pen-and-paper RPG goodness and (!) some amazing miniatures. I am convinced 2013 is going to be remembered as the year of “Kickstarter-miniature-madness”. There are so many awesome games and miniatures (along with a few bad apples) out there. So much creativity unleashed [...]

Hordes: Gargantuans Released by Privateer Press

Privateer Press Mountain King

I still fail miserably at getting into Privateer games, but this sounds like a big one (no pun intended) for Hordes. Privateer Press sent out emails announcing the release of the Gargantuans book for Hordes. There’s not a whole lot I can tell you, other than that I really like large, stompy miniatures! #1 – From [...]

THON Is Now On Kickstarter!


The Thon the Game Kickstarter is now up and running. This one has long been in the making. Way, way back in the late summer of last year I stumbled upon a fantastic Facebook site, which displayed some truly fantastic sci-if concept art, intriguing first sculpts and rumours of a Kickstarter. It was, of course, the [...]