MiniWarGaming Prepares a new Indiegogo Campaign

Warhammer MiniWargaming is a very interesting company to follow right now. Not just because they produce great, fun videos, but because they embody the shifts in the industry like nobody else. #1 – – A Recap Miniwargaming started as a YouTube channel for Warhammer 40K videos, battle-reports, tutorials, etc.., along with a Canada-based online store [...]

MiniWarGaming Reacts To New GW Trade Agreements

Warhammer MiniWargaming

Disclaimer upfront: I don’t really know a lot about “doing business” with Games Workshop. I mainly blog to take my mind off other things. Still, blogging about Games Workshop inevitably let me to pick up some of the bits and bobs that come with selling Games Workshop stuff. Most notably… The Death from the Skies [...]

Ichiban Studio Miniatures Indiegogo – Interview

Interview with Hugo from Ichiban

I had a lot of fun (and luck) doing interviews with talented artists, sculptors and entrepreneurs behind several interesting crowd-funding campaigns. I especially those more unusual fundraisers that dare to stray off the beaten path. So when #warmongers‘ own Hugo from Ichiban Painting launched the Ichiban Studio Miniatures Indiegogo, I knew who I really needed to [...]