Rumours: Is GW Planning A 40K Skirmish Game?

Inquisitor Eisenhorn

Here is an interesting little rumour floating in via Blood of Kittens: Allegedly, Games Workshop may be working on a skirmish “gateway” game for Warhammer 40K themed around the Inquisition! I know Mel Brooks jokes are getting old (and you’ll certainly be sick of them by the end of this year if this rumour holds […]

A New Blood Bowl For 2013?

Blood Bowl

Warseer, Dakkadakka and other places are flush with rumours of a new Blood Bowl game from Games Workshop for 2013. It’s rumours, a given. Worse, it’s rumours I’ve heard before in 2011, when Games Workshop ended up doing DreadFleet. Still, there’s good reason to believe that these might be on to something. Take a look! #1 […]