DreadBall Season 3 Multi-Hex Monsters Revealed

New DreadBall Season 3 MVP

Mantic’s DreadBall Season 3 will introduce larger, multi-hex players to DreadBall. Glimpses of them have been around for some time, not least on Mantic’s GenCon display. Now Mantic Games updated their Kickstarter with images of the big guys (Why do Kickstarter backers get to see them only after GenCon visitors? Shouldn’t people who funded them be […]

DreadBall Big Guys

DreadBall Alpha Simian Miniature

One by one, we’re getting more insights into one of DreadBall’s (literally) largest remaining mysteries: the multi-hex players. During the Deadzone Kickstarter, Mantic showed off some of their new-found skills with digital sculpts by releasing renders of the DreadBall Mech. An armed variant, I believe, will be made for Deadzone (and Warpath) as well. Now, DreadBall […]