Natalya A. Faden Talks About Torn Armor – Interview Part 2

Torn Armor Fantasy Board Game

This is the second part of my interview with Natalya Faden about here amazing Torn Armor miniatures board game. If you haven’t seen the first part of this interview, read it here! And don’t forget to give the Torn Armor Kickstarter a good look. The sheer amount of cool stuff found there is mind-blowing! The [...]

THON Is Now On Kickstarter!


The Thon the Game Kickstarter is now up and running. This one has long been in the making. Way, way back in the late summer of last year I stumbled upon a fantastic Facebook site, which displayed some truly fantastic sci-if concept art, intriguing first sculpts and rumours of a Kickstarter. It was, of course, the [...]

3 Things I Learned from the Beasts of War Mercs Week

KemVar Mercs

A week or so ago, a few people contacted me to tell me the guys from Beasts of War had given me a brief shout-out in one of their shows. Funny enough, found myself skulking around the Beasts of War website and videos a bit as a result. I’ve not followed them closely before (being less [...]

Thoughts on the January 2013 White Dwarf – Part 1: The “Narrative” Battle Report

Dark Angels Watcher in the Dark

Summary: The latest White Dwarf’s battle report really pushes the idea of “narrative gaming”. Yet it does so in an oddly uneven manner. No narrative is actually shown. No hooks are given to inspire people to make their own narratives for their battles. I don’t feel the heart of the writers (or Games Workshop in [...]

Poll: Warhammer 40K With A Game Master?!?

Warhammer 40K With a Game Master

Games Workshop’s latest, Crusade of Fire, pitches the idea of playing Warhammer 40K with a game master. It’s probably the sanest choice to keep the wild scenario’s in Crusade of Fire manageable. But is it fun? Would you play Warhammer 40.000 with a game master? Would you enjoy it? Do you think it could be [...]