Rumoured Rules for the New 40K Eldar Wraithknight

Eldar Wraithknight

Tomorrow should see the official release of the new White Dwarf and, with it, the pre-orders for the new Eldar miniatures. Apparently, the lucky Warhammer 40K fans of France also received Games Workshop’s official email announcing the new release a few days early. It appears that a few people in the world have already gotten [...]

The Eldar Wraithknight Arrives – A Review!

Eldar Wraithknight

The Eldar Wraithknight has arrived. Games Workshop seems to shoot for a slightly different visual style with their new range of Eldar Miniatures for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Time for a first review! How do the new 6th Edition Eldar miniatures compare to the existing Eldar in Warhammer 40K? Read on! #1 – A First Glimpse [...]

Plastic Eldar Farseer Leaked!


Holy! What a weekend. First the Warhammer Fantasy High Elves break, now their pointy-eared Sci-Fi cousins appear with a picture leaked via the ever reliable Faeit212! [link removed, as Faeit212 was taken down] Take a look at the blister for the evidently imminent Plastic Eldar Farseer for Warhammer 40K! #1 – The Leaked Blister Pic [...]