A rather mysterious new website appeared, complete with some art previews and a video full of teasing: Prodigy. Seems as if somebody is trying to cross the streams and combine miniature gaming with roleplaying and (!) video gameing. Not much more information than that, but have a look! Prodigy Teaser Video Hanakai Studio is proud […]
MiniWarBid.com – An eBay Alternative with a Mission: Would You Use It? (Pins of War Poll)
A remarkable website went live recently: www.miniwarbid.com. MiniWarBid brands itself as an auction portal, focused on the Wargaming hobby. You can buy, sell or issue art commissions. In other words, MiniWarBid is (or wants to be) an eBay.com for the Wargaming niche. MiniWarBid has a lot of things going for it: Great rates. An ambitions £1000 giveaway […]