Poll: New Warhammer Chaos Daemons Miniatures

Warhammer Chaos Daemons 40K

Oh boy. Rarely have there been models as contentious as the new Chaos Daemons. When the first, small and grainy pictures broke, the overall opinion seems to have been negative. When new and better pictures showed up, quite a few (though clearly not all) people changed their minds. Whatever the case, I think it’s about [...]

Pictures Of The New Chaos Daemons

Warhammer 40K Daemon

It is time. The first White Dwarf has arrived and the pictures have spilled. If I get this correctly, the credit this time goes to PlasticKraK Blog (please correct me if I am wrong). #1 – A Leak is a Leak is a Leak is a Leak? I have to admit, I am as late to [...]