Best Chaos Space Marine Units by FOC – A Hit List

Warhammer 40K: Codex Chaos Space Marines

I wrote a hit-list of this kind for Dark Angels a short while back. Yesterday’s Heldrake post had me pouring over the 6th Edition Chaos Space Marines codex again. So I wanted to give the Traitor Marines a list of this sort too, especially as I never got around to writing a proper review for [...]

Is There Still Hope For Plastic Cult Marines?

Thousand Sons Rubic Marines

Is there still hope for plastic Cult Marines in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition? The new Chaos Space Marines are here with lots of shiny new models. One thing many were hoping for that did not arrive were new sculpts, ideally in plastic, for the Cult Marines. Berzerkers exist in plastic, admittedly. Yet Noise Marines, Plaque [...]