Best Chaos Space Marine Units by FOC – A Hit List

Warhammer 40K: Codex Chaos Space Marines

I wrote a hit-list of this kind for Dark Angels a short while back. Yesterday’s Heldrake post had me pouring over the 6th Edition Chaos Space Marines codex again. So I wanted to give the Traitor Marines a list of this sort too, especially as I never got around to writing a proper review for [...]

Mantic Games’ Latest Lazy Sculpt…

Mantic Games Latest Sculpt

Mantic Games! Easily one of the more controversial miniature companies of recent years. They jumped into the hobby-scene as a GW copy-cat. Of course, dozens of other companies trade bits and look-a-like miniatures in Games Workshop’s slipstream. But few have taken to it with the business-like dedication that Mantic Games did. Now, it seems, they start to [...]