Golem Arcana Kickstarts – Is it Good for Half a Million?

golem Arcana Kickstarter

Back in July, first pictures and ideas were revealed for Golem Arcana, a “digitally enhanced” tabletop miniatures game from the makers Shadowrun Returns, Battletech and other things. The game is hitting the miniatures gaming niche from the video-game side of the world, though the idea of having a miniatures game interwoven with digital stats, automated […]

Golem Arcana – A Tabletop Game with a Bold Spin

golem Arcana Kickstarter

Miniature wargames and tabletop games are – shiny iPad army-books and miniature sculpted with ZBrush notwithstanding – a profoundly non-digital hobby at heart. Miniatures are cleaned and assembled with knifes, files and glue, terrain is build the old fashioned way and battles fought with tape measure and dice. No attempt to integrate miniature games more […]