Unboxing: Heroic Ashara from Raging Heroes

Raging Heroes Ashara Anniversary Edition

A long (long) time ago, I wrote a short blog post about Raging Heroes Sci-Fi Blood Vestals. From the legion of miniatures companies cutting their teeth in the not-Games Workshops niche of the business, the sculpts from Raging Heroes stood out thanks to their quality and (admittedly judging only from the pictures of the masters) [...]

Interview – James Wappel

James Wappel

James Wappel! He paints like the devil, runs an awe-inspiring miniature-painting blog, and is about to launch a Kickstarter for a massive line of “learning-to-paint-miniatures”-DVDs. When I first heard of his Kickstarter plans, I knew I had to ask him a few questions. “Painting-Kickstarters”, so far, had a harder time than games and miniatures. If [...]

Sci-Fi Blood Vestals from Raging Heroes

Raging Heroes Blood Vestals

For a week I’ve blogged excessively about Warhammer 40K. Time to mixed it up a bit, so I take a look at the new Sci-Fi Blood Vestals now up for pre-order from Raging Heroes. That is a pretty cool set of ladies. And some people may find uses for them in Warhammer 40K as well [...]