Unboxing the Slave 1 Expansion for the X-Wing Miniatures Game

X-Wing Slave 1 Miniature Unboxing

I continue to build my X-Wing miniatures collection. I now own 4 Rebel ships, 2 X-Wings (incl. the one from the base game), an A-Wing and a HWK-290. These make a few nice 100 pts. squadrons to play with. Building a squadron for the “Dark Side”, however, feels trickier, mostly because I feel buying a […]

X-Wing – More Fun than a Barrel of Jawas

X Wing Tie Fighter Miniature

Every since I saw Will Wheaton play X-Wing on Tabletop, I was hooked! I went out, bought a box, asked my local gaming store when they play and I was off to the races. This is an account of my story and my mystical journey behind the controls of an Imperial TIE Fighter in the […]