Interview – Maki Games Modular Wargaming Terrain

Maki Games Modular Wargaming Terrain

It has been a while since my last interview. However, there is an interesting new project currently on Kickstarter: Maki Games’ Modular Wargaming Scenery. The concept is brilliantly simple. Using a deceptively modelst core-module of a container – or Makitainer as they call it – a stunning range of wargaming scenery and terrain can be […]

Book Review – The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War

Privateer Press The Warlock Sagas Instruments of War

The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War is one of three initial publications by Privateer Press’ new e-book outfit. Specifically, it’s a story for their Hordes miniatures game, telling an origins/coming-of-age story for Archdomina Makeda, a prominent character in the tabletop game as well. I struggled a bit to get “into it” at first, possibly because […]

Privateer Press to Publish Iron Kingdom Novels

Privateer Press Novels

I don’t (yet?) play Privateer Press games. Part of the reason might be that I never felt drawn to the Iron Kingdoms setting as I am to universe of Warhammer 40K – not least by indulging it in the form of Black Library novels. Most miniature companies these days, however, are keenly aware of the […]

Through the Breach: Wyrd Games’ Malifaux Roleplaying Game goes Kickstarter on the 27th

Wyrd Games

Christmas season on Kickstarter is looking well set to be an exciting one. There is a Kickstarter in the making for Thon the Game and for Kingdom Death. Wyrd Games also announced that the Kickstarter for their Malifaux Roleplaying Game ‘Through the Breach’ will debut on on November 27th. Have a look at their […]

Is Dystopian Legions Really a 28mm Game?

Dystopian Legions Spartan Games

Spartan Games is shipping boxes for their first 28mm skirmish game: Dystopian Legions. Strangely however, the Dystopian Legion miniatures appear much larger than the 28mm label suggests. Infantry models stand a head taller than Games Workshop Space Marines; 35mm at least. A blow for anyone hoping to use the models with other 28mm games.

Leviathans – Monsters in the Sky: New Game from Catalyst Game Labs Ships Tomorrow

Leviathans TN

 Steampunk in its various guises is one of the biggest trends at the moment. Spartan Games’ Dystopian Legions is poised to build on the runaway success of their Dystopian Wars naval game. Yet as Spartan seeks to expand into 28mm skirmish games, Catalyst Game Labs have set their eyes on Steampunk naval games. Starting tomorrow, their […]