So… Fancy new graphics All Imperial Armies combined into one heading and Battle Brothers (no more Space Wolves keeping a distance to Dark Angels). Imperium and Tau are Desperate Allies Tau and Eldar are Allies of Convencience (the “end” of TauDar?) Eldar & Dark Eldar, Chaos Marines & Daemons remain Battle Brothers (the only ones, […]
Warhammer 40K in 2013 – The Year in Pictures
2013 is coming to an end. Everyone’s getting ready for the festive days. Christmas presents will soon be unwrapped. And, of course, it’s the time to think back on the past year. I don’t blog about Warhammer 40K exclusively, but Warhammer 40K, as a game, has certainly been through a crazy rollercoaster of a year. […]
GW’s Second Advent Calendar – Tau Fire Support Cadre
Ok. I am sorry. I promise my blog will not mimic Games Workshop’s Digital Advent Calender for the whole month, but there is a lot of interesting things coming out of it. Yesterday, we saw a new (and powerful) Character for Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (and the two Chaos Fantasy armies). Today, the […]
Forge World’s New Massive Tau XV107 Battlesuit
Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List
From the Inbox: 500 points Tau Army With XV104 Riptide
Shadowsun: The Last of Kiru’s Line – Book Review
Shadowsun: The Last of Kiru’s Line is a premium hardback novella from Black Library. Update: Shadowsun: The Last of Kiru’s Line has been released on iTunes now. Surely it’s no coincidence that ‘Shadowsun‘ (along with Firecaste) was released just ahead of Games Workshop’s upcoming Tau Empire release (which is expected to be out in early […]
Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K?
I recently posted a review of the Codex: Tau Empire for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Overall, I thought the Tau Codex is one of the better new Codexes for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Evidently, not everyone agrees. Which leads me to a simple question: What is – in your opinion – the best 6th Edition […]
Farsight Enclaves Codex an Editing Nightmare?
Games Workshop latest Codex Supplement for Warhammer 40K – Farsight Enclaves – is out today. The more people pour over the (e)book, the more it becomes clear that the supplement suffers from a particular bad case of unclear rules and bad editing. I sure make my share of mistakes writing on, likely far more than […]
Codex: Tau Empire – Review
With all the new excitement surrounding the upcoming Farsight Enclaves Supplement, I thought I should finally sit down and write down my thoughts on the 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. Plentiful Options or Bland Gun-Line? There seem to be more or less two opinions on the new Tau Codex out there. On one hand people […]