These have been stirring up the rumour-mill for a while: Tau Empire is the next release by Games Workshop for Warhammer 40K. The pictures are admittedly still not ideal quality (nature of leaks like this). However, I am greatly impressed with Games Workshop’s souped up release schedule. The 3rd Warhammer 40K army in the 1st [...]
New Tau Empire Miniatures!
March 17, 2013 7 Comments
Filed Under: 28mm, 28mm Miniatures, DakkaDakka, Games Workshop, Miniature Wargaming, New Miniature, Social Media, Tau, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K Tagged With: Leaked Pictures, New Miniature, New Miniatures, Riptide Suit, Sci-Fi Wargaming, Tau, Tau Broadsides, Tau Empires, Tau Leaked, Tau Pathfinders, Wargaming, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K