The Eldar’s Remnants of Glory are a bag of nasty tricks. The Mantle of the Laughing God and Faolchú’s Wing caught most people’s attention early on. As I noted in my article on these two, the game designers apparently made an effort to make these unique, trademark items more relevant in the game of 40K. So [...]
The Eldar’s Remnants of Glory Shenanigans
A signature addition to all Warhammer 40K Codexes in 6th Edition has been the list of unique Wargear items. Chaos Space Marines got Artifacts. Dark Angels Chapter Relics. Chaos Daemons Hellforged Artefacts. Tau their Signature System. Now Eldar get Remnants of Glory. For the most part, these are underwhelming and/or overpriced in the early 6th Edition books. There is [...]