The Shady Side of the Hobby

Warhammer 40K Warhound Titan Scam

The miniature games hobby is – for most people – a hobby. Even for people dealing with it as a business, making, selling or even painting wargaming miniatures for a living, it’s usually a lot of work on low margins. Aside from Mr. Tom Kirby himself, very few people will ever get rich in this […]

Kickstarter-Curious: Cloning the Forge World Reaver Titan


Here’s an interesting one! A Kickstarter to clone Forge World’s Warhammer 40K Reaver Pattern Titan. I don’t really see how this could end well. Games Workshop’s legal troops are fierce at the best of times. This guy is literally asking for your money to rip-off Forge World’s Reaver Titan. Good Luck there! From the Kickstarter […]

Did You Ever Want a Forgeworld Titan?


Did You Ever Want a Forgeworld Titan? Me, like many people in this hobby, cut my teeth on 40K. And while my engagement with 40K has been more mixed of late, there is no doubt that they produce some of the most stunning and impressive models out there. The most iconic are without doubt the […]