5 Reasons Why Warpath Is an Awesome Game

Mantic Games Warpath 2.0

This post is for those of you that have not yet dived into the world of Warpath. However, rather than go into extensive detail of every aspect of the game, I am going to give you a quick run down of the things that I think make the game awesome… This is a guest post by Andrew Brown from […]

Mantic Games’ Latest Lazy Sculpt…

Mantic Games Latest Sculpt

Mantic Games! Easily one of the more controversial miniature companies of recent years. They jumped into the hobby-scene as a GW copy-cat. Of course, dozens of other companies trade bits and look-a-like miniatures in Games Workshop’s slipstream. But few have taken to it with the business-like dedication that Mantic Games did. Now, it seems, they start to […]

DreadBall Wants Input on Potential Robo-Team

DreadBall Robots

I have recently plunged into Mantic’s DreadBall Kickstarter under the unusual circumstances of an internet bet. Ironically, some of my initial grievances (which let me to loose said bet) were my perceptions of Mantic’s cool distance to its fans and supporters in designing their Kickstarter. I was now proven wrong a second time. Why? Because Mantic