New Eldar Flyer Rumours: Nightshade and Hemlock?

Warhammer Eldar Flyers

I am still in the middle of digesting the new Tau Empire Codex. Despite this, Games Workshop’s recent breakneck speed seems to continue unabated, with Craftworld Eldar apparently up next. Though I have no way to back-up or verify the rumours floating about, I thought I’d share these flowery whispers about the upcoming Eldar Codex, simply [...]

10 Leaked Pictures for the new High Elves!

Warhammer High Elves Leaked

Wow. What a day! Two high-quality pictures from the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Book for High Elves were leaked through a GW-store Facebook page some time ago. Now, more “conventional” White Dwarf scans have appeared on Warseer. Some really interesting kits… and a big release by the look of it. Enjoy! #1 – The [...]

A New Blood Bowl For 2013?

Blood Bowl

Warseer, Dakkadakka and other places are flush with rumours of a new Blood Bowl game from Games Workshop for 2013. It’s rumours, a given. Worse, it’s rumours I’ve heard before in 2011, when Games Workshop ended up doing DreadFleet. Still, there’s good reason to believe that these might be on to something. Take a look! #1 [...]

Black Templar Rumours

Warhammer 40K Black Templar Space Marines

There are some (highly vague) Black Templar Rumours about via MarikLaw of I am not the one to verify or dispute these. Make of it what you will. I mainly post them here because they come in a nice Q&A format one rarely finds in hastily written rumours! Remember that rumours are just that. [...]

Is There Still Hope For Plastic Cult Marines?

Thousand Sons Rubic Marines

Is there still hope for plastic Cult Marines in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition? The new Chaos Space Marines are here with lots of shiny new models. One thing many were hoping for that did not arrive were new sculpts, ideally in plastic, for the Cult Marines. Berzerkers exist in plastic, admittedly. Yet Noise Marines, Plaque [...]

Warhammer 40K: 6th Edition Starter Missions

Dark Angels Chaplain

There are mere hours left until Games Workshop’s starter-set for Warhammer 40K, Dark Vengeance, will be available for pre-order. If you haven’t had a chance to get an early look at some of the fantastic new Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marine miniatures that will be included, check them out here. And like a last-minute [...]