GW’s Second Advent Calendar – Tau Fire Support Cadre

Games Workshop's Tau Fire Support Cadre Dataslate

Ok. I am sorry. I promise my blog will not mimic Games Workshop’s Digital Advent Calender for the whole month, but there is a lot of interesting things coming out of it. Yesterday, we saw a new (and powerful) Character for Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (and the two Chaos Fantasy armies). Today, the […]

Forge World’s New Massive Tau XV107 Battlesuit

tau xv107 forge world

Forge World news! And it’s not even new Horus Heresy Space Marines for a change. Forge World will be releasing a new Tau Battlesuit for the upcoming UK Games Day 2013. It looks like a huge kit, a Forge World take on something akin to the XV104 Riptide (and it looks like it uses the […]