It is time! The White Dwarf pictures have circulated on the internet. Now it is official. The Dark Angels are here. Check out the latest release for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K: the Dark Angels in all their dark and gothic splendour. Deathwing, Ravenwing, new sculpts for Asmodai and Belial, and the new Dark Angels Codex, including as (slightly less) Limited Edition!
#1 – Codex: Dark Angels
And the angels of darkness descended upon pinions of fire and light…the great and terrible dark angels.
- Luther
- Codex: Dark Angels. 106p. The 2nd full colour, hardback codex for Warhammer 40K.
- Codex: Dark Angels Limited Edition. 2000 world-wide (up from only 1000 for Chaos Space Marines).
I wonder if they’ll keep increasing the number of limited edition copies in the future? Or would Tau (next book?) be back to a 1000, being less of a drawn than Dark Angels?
#2 – Deathwing

Deathwing Knights. They are pretty!
- Belial, Grandmaster of the Deathwing, clad in Terminator armour with special rules including the ability to take Deathwing Terminators as troops - Citadel Finecast mini.
- Deathwing Command Squad / Deathwing Knights - This box contains a multipart Deathwing Command Squad/ Deathwing Knights plastic kit that makes one of three different kits; a Deathwing Command Squad, a Deathwing squad or a brand new squad the Deathwing Knights.
Yup. Belial to get Deathwing troops!! Seriously, it would’ve been very odd to have “random-Captain-X” with a “Deathwing rule”. What other captains are their in the Deathwing? None!
#3 – Ravenwing
The Ravenwing Darkshroud has a piece of arcane architecture chained to it which projects a shrouding effect designed to protect nearby troops. The Icon of Old Caliban atop the Darkshroud inspires nearby Dark Angels to great acts of valour.
- Ravenwing Command Squad / Ravenwing Black Knights – A multipart plastic kit that makes 3 of either choice.
- Land Speeder Vengeance / Ravenwing Darkshroud - A multipart plastic kit that makes 1 of either choice.
- Ravenwing Dark Talon/Nephilim Jetfighter - A multipart plastic kit that makes 1 of either choice.
Holy cow! I have not seen the rules, but it feels like Ravenwing is where it’ll be at with the new Codex (more so than Deathwing, which stole the limelight since 4th Edition).
#4 – Angels of Death

Dark Angels Standard Bearer! A classic revived!
- Asmodai, Master Interrogator-Chaplain - Citadel Finecast resin miniature.
- Dark Angels Banner Bearer (direct order only) - Citadel Finecast resin miniature.
Banner-Bearer is a “classic”, if slightly (or not-so-slightly) blinged up to modern 40K!
#5 – January 2013 White Dwarf
This issue features all the new Dark Angels models and kits that are coming out, plus painting guides, interviews with the Studio team that worked on them and a battle report where Adam brings the full might of the Unforgiven crashing down upon Jes’ Black Legion Chaos Space Marines, who are harbouring one of the Fallen.
Key features of the new January White Dwarf:
- Shows all the new Dark Angels and The Hobbit miniatures in all their glory [who would have expected that?]
- A review of all the other fantastic products released in January [?]
- A Dark Angels vs. Chaos Space Marines battle report
- Painting guides for Dark Angels, Tyranids, Great Eagle feathers and Fell Warg fur [Tyranids?]
- Golden Demon 2012 pt.1 – a 16 page extravaganza showing a selection of winners from Germany, USA, Spain and Australia
- All these products are available to order on Advance Order from 5th January 2013 [yeah!]
#6 – Dark Angels Essential Paints
via the Faeit212 pre-launch brief!
Dark Angels armour Dark Angels robes
Base – Caliban Green Base – Zandri Dust
Wash – Nuln Oil Wash – Nuln Oil
Layer – Caliban Green Layer – Ushabti Bone
Layer – Warpstone Glow Layer – Screaming Skull
Dark Angels Deathwing armour (over Skull White undercoat)
Base – Ushabti Bone
Wash – Seraphim Sepia
Layer – Ushabti Bone
Layer – Screaming Skull
Dark Angels Ravenwing armour
Base – Abaddon Black
Layer – Dawnstone
Layer – Administratum Grey
So? What do you think of 40K’s latest? Hot or Not?
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