Hobbit Releases – Dwarves in Barrels, No Smaug

Barrels out of Band

December is here, and with it (soon) the new Hobbit movie. Time to have a look at GWs strangely neglected “3rd Game”, the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. Aside from the Space Marines Ultimate Codex, Sigmar’s Blood, Escalation and a few other things, the Hobbit is (among) the time of the month. There’s some nice Elves in the mix. No Smaug, and Dwarves in Barrels?

#1 – New Hobbit Releases

First up, I will say that the new plastic kits look quite lovely. I could see myself with a box of Mirkwood Rangers, and the Palace Guards are decent too.

Two plastic clampacks Legolas and Tauriel are nice too.

Finecast, being with it is, is lower on my list of things I’d by, especially those Spiders with those hyper-thin legs (in Finecast…hmm).

#2 – Barrels out of Bond

The really strange thing… no Smaug (but Dwarves in Barrels).

The rumours that there would be no Smaug have been out for a while now. I don’t really understand why Games Workshop didn’t make a Smaug model.

  • Yes, he probably would’ve been too large if they did him in the scale seen in the Hobbit Movie Trailers.
  • Yes, the game is probably on the way out anyway you look at it.
  • Yes, there probably would’ve been limited uses for Smaug in the Hobbit game itself.

Who cares? I do not doubt for a second that a (plastic) Dragon “named” Smaug would’ve been an instant-hit, Hobbit or no Hobbit, for collectors painters and fans everywhere.

At any rate, I am sure he would’ve sold much better than Barrels out of Bond, a collection of Thorin’s Company (+ Bilbo) in Barrels, no? That one certainly has absolutely no in-game-uses beyond a single scenario in the book. For 40 quid? Finecast? Don’t tell me Smaug wouldn’t have sold better, even if they’d only did a Smaug-head as a miscast lump of Finecast.

Seems like a huge missed opportunity. Don’t you think?

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I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • belverker

    Smaug will probably be jan release as there have been no full shots of him from the movie as far as I have seen and it looks to be something new line are keeping close to their chests

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Hmm. Possibly. I hope you’re right

  • Toby

    apparantly smaug was made but rejected due to size issues by Hasbro or whoever has the rights to the film not gw, at least thats what the interwebs say

  • Cherry Red

    I think Smaug being a later release is the most likely answer.

    It’s also all Mirkwood (with the one exception of Thain the broken). No Necromancer and we need more lake town figures like Alan of Dale. I expect it’s a mixture of didn’t want to spoil the film and the fact the film was originally going to be in just two parts, so the Mirkwood stuff probably been waiting around for ages.