The Outrider Is Coming To X-Wing

Fantasy Flight is churning out X-Wing ships as fast as Games Workshop is churning out new 40K-models (well, before Orks I suppose). Rebel Transport. Tantive IV, Wave 4 ships. And the next wave has just been announced, featuring the Rebel Outrider (or YT-2400) expansion and the Imperial VT-49 Decimator.

#1 – The Rebel Outrider

Outrider X-Wing

A fast and resilient light freighter, the YT-2400 features no fewer than thirteen weapon emplacement points, making it an attractive vessel for smugglers, mercenaries, and other individuals looking for a heavily armed “transport.” Although a stock YT-2400 light freighter has plenty of space for cargo, much of that space is often annexed to support modified weapon systems and oversized engines.

The YT-2400 Expansion Pack brings this formidable light freighter to your table as a Rebel starship with two attack, two agility, five hull, and five shields.

The highlight of the YT-2400 Expansion Pack is its detailed miniature starship, which is enhanced by one new mission, three debris cloud tokens, a maneuver dial, all requisite tokens, and four ship cards, including one for the famed smuggler Dash Rendar.

#2 – The Imperial VT-49 Decimator

To be granted command of a VT-49 Decimator is seen as a significant promotion for a middling officer of the Imperial Navy. A heavily armed transport, the VT-49 Decimator is one of the Empire’s most feared warships, often used to provide long-range reconnaissance or to deploy raiding parties past enemy forces.

The VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack brings this intimidating Imperial gunboat to X-Wing as the game’s largest ship yet designed for Standard Play. Even at the game’s signature 1/270 scale, the expansion pack’s detailed miniature towers over its base and smaller starfighters.

#3 – Thoughts?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
Ork Warboss Grukk Miniature Spotted #40k #wh40k #orks #wargaming #warmongers - 6 hours ago
  • X-wing for all

    Awesome news, I like the style of the Decimator