Warhammer 40K & Wargaming Blog Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:50:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: chuckwilliams chuckwilliams Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:50:00 +0000 I got a Grey Knight Dread that is about 5% smaller than the real one. Talk about odd :)

]]> By: Zweischneid Zweischneid Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:46:00 +0000 A fair few people on Dakka now actually think Black Crusade Studio may be a front for Mr. Mandelbaum (judging from, I think, patters similar to previous scams, not any definite proof).

]]> By: Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation Wed, 28 Aug 2013 06:08:00 +0000 oddly many of those fakes (though not all) are significantly better cast than most of Forgeworld’s genuine products…

]]> By: BrassScorpion BrassScorpion Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:37:00 +0000 The Golden Demon fiasco has happened before and more than once. Therefore, it will most assuredly happen again. Sometimes the participants caught this way claim they didn’t know the rules and were entering for a friend who couldn’t make it to Games Day, other times it’s deliberate deception. It makes little sense when there’s nothing of value to win, but there you go. People cheat at all kinds of things when there’s nothing to be won, no fame or money or valuable prizes. I suppose some people do it because they’re lying to themselves and they do it to bloat their own insecure ego. I see people cheating on Xbox Live video games and it’s the same situation, frustrating for the other players and there’s nothing real to gain by doing it, but some people will do anything to win even though they didn’t legitimately earn it.

There are fake Forge World models on eBay all the time from certain regular sellers in Russia and China. Forge World, unlike their parent company, does not sell their product at wholesale prices to retailers, therefore anyone offering Forge World products at list prices or below on a regular basis is selling fakes. There’s even a Forge World discounter selling online from the UK and that also definitely has to be recast product and not authentic product.

]]> By: chuckwilliams chuckwilliams Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:46:00 +0000 Don’t forget the eBay casters. Kiddies, if you’re buying Forge World products on eBay, and they’re coming from China or Russia… don’t be shocked when they are fakes. Also, the Easter Bunny… he isn’t real. Tooth Fairy… same deal.

]]> By: Zweischneid Zweischneid Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:35:00 +0000 Interesting story. Another, more chronological account here

I guess it is not uncommon (sadly). There are even some similarities to the Black Crusade Studio thingy (e.g. sales exclusively through Facebook private messages).

]]> By: Tom Evans Tom Evans Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:42:00 +0000 Also tried sending a cease and desist on dakka using a fake German security firm.

]]> By: Zweischneid Zweischneid Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:11:00 +0000 Alright. I give it a look. Thanks.

]]> By: Curnow Curnow Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:09:00 +0000 No not recast just another proxie for mathew maundelbaum/redstarone/three stage studios/double yourbits/etc etc. Normal business practice was to open up with a load of lokes on facebook give speil about how he has been in the hobby locally for ages and then offer products cheap fulfill the first load of orders get them to build repretation thwn draw even more people in with a super great offer thwn take the money and run . Give it a google .

]]> By: Adam Nguyen Adam Nguyen Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:06:00 +0000 Yes. And its still functioning.
