Thoughts on the Latest Sentinels of Terra Preview

Sentinels of Terra

Games Workshop’s Digital Edition’s team has started the facebook-preview-machine for the upcoming Sentinels of Terra supplement.

If their Adepta Sororitas previews are anything to go by, it’ll be a torrent of stuff that I cannot possibly all cover here. So do follow their Facebook-Page! Still, I thought I give a few thoughts on their latest preview, because … well … because I think it’s worth taking about it!

Update: The Sentinels of Terra Codex Supplement is now available for pre-orders.

GW’s Sentinels of Terra Preview

Games Workshop Sentinels of Terra Preview

My thoughts:

  • The Good: More Special Characters! I love characterful characters (can I say it like this?). The Farsight supplement arguably had too many though, ultimately leaving none that were truly memorable in an Iyanna of Arienal-kind of way.
  • The Odd: Odd grammar mistake in the first paragraph? Lol. Ok. It’s digital, not a big deal.
  • The Worrisome: Additional Centurion Warsuits?  I think I see what you are trying to do there… . Will Clan Raukaan have extra Hunter & Stalker tanks?  Admittedly, the Iyanden Supplement was all about (new plastic) Wraithguard too (if with a bit more “historical” grounding), and the Farsight Enclaves gave you Riptide Commanders. Still, I hope this kind a product push won’t become the raison d’être for the supplements.

Your Thoughts?

Not much more than that! Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@breacher18 Or I hope it is ;) - 7 hours ago
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  • D. B.

    Sure, a little product pushing is involved. So – frickin’ – what? As member of the few people who actually like Centurions (albeit with a little conversion work), this isn’t something I mind terribly. Besides, it’s totally in keeping with the IF background, with their love for big sieges.
    It doesn’t delay the release schedule, it helps add a little colour to the background – huge fan here. Prices are – OK, it’s GW, but I do like the hardcover codexes.

    • Zweischneid

      Hey. I like the Centurion models too.. even without conversion!

      But there’s a difference between making a supplement because you have a cool story in mind, and add some product-pushing for it, or wanting to push a product, and knocking out some half-assed story to make it so.

      I am not saying the latter is the case here, but it does add that worrisome frown where before I was looking forward to this pretty much unconditionally.

      That’s the way it is. Can’t change how I think ;)

      • D. B.

        Very well said. That’s why I love the fact that it’s a supplement – if buying a supplement were compulsory for every army, I’d be pretty teed off, quite frankly. If one doesn’t like it, one doesn’t have to buy it.

        • Yggdrasil

          Though I haven’t bought any of those digital products (no iPad … yet ;) , I’m pretty much fond of the concept… as long as they keep on doing it !
          What I really appreciate in the 40k universe are the small, detailed “backstories” that are mere samples of the big picture, yet add a lot of character to the whole thing…
          And I think those company / craftworld / dynasty / sept / regiment-level supplements are a great way to infuse our Hobby with that kind of characterful stories !
          I am not blind to the “product push” / “fashion move” side of that kind of release… But I guess I’m kind of a “half full” person when it comes to GW ;)

          As D. B. said : if you don’t like it, just don’t buy it. Don’t spoil the fun of others !!

          (side note : Please make Digital Codices for “less known” SM chapters !!! )

          • D. B.

            Totally with you, man. And I gotta say I’m not one for the iPad, either – but I’ll gladly buy the hardcover versions.

  • James_33

    As someone who likes modelling as much or even more than playing the game, I certainly hope that other supplements follow this pattern. I love the idea of modelling new special characters and relics. The Vanguard and Sternguard boxes are full of amazing bits and make building new characters easier than ever.

    I also like the idea of a named Sergeant. Specific HQ characters aren’t always easy to fit
    into a list because of their points cost, but I can see a special Sergeant character that I get to model myself regularly showing showing up on the table.