The fourth wave of X-Wing ships is on their way. Fantasy Flight has done a series of previews. They’ve saved the most mysterious of the ships – the TIE Phantom – for last.
Obviously, people (including me) were wondering how the X-Wing miniatures game would bring the Phantom’s signature cloaking ability to the table. Now the details are out, revealing the “cloaking” to be a mix of added Agility (which fits in well with the existing Stealth Device) and, more intriguingly, a re-location of the ship during the “decloak”-action (meaning the TIE Phantom miniature, up until it decloaks, didn’t mark the precise location of the stealthy fighter.
#1 – Cloak / Decloak Action Rules

#2 – Tie Phantom Named Pilot Previews

#3 – Tie Phantom Unnamed Pilot Previews

#4 – Thoughts?
Still trying to wrap my head around this.
With 4 Agility, a “cloaked” TIE Phantom isn’t any harder to hit than a regular TIE Fighter/Interceptor with a Stealth Device, which seems a bit anti-climatic, despite the fact that a TIE Fighter with Stealth Device is fairly hard to hit.
Given the cost and potential fire-power of the TIE Phantom, most players will be doing their damn best to gun it down as fast as possible, cloak or no cloak.
On the other hand, the “misdirect”-decloak sounds interesting.
Let me know what you think!