A month has passed since my last poll on the new Eldar. Over 700 people voted (thank you!), and the new Wraithguard/Wraithblades (narrowly) turned out to be the most popular kit released.
As Games Workshop is ringing the next round for Warhammer 40K, I thought I’d launch a little poll to see whether you’re going to pick up the latest version of Warhammer 40K XXL?
Poll: Are You Buying Warhammer 40K Apocalypse?

Thoughts and Comments?
I can see the appeal of having a method to field “all models” from your collection in some form of mega-battle. Yet, the old Apocalypse at least, was so much free-form that the need to actually have these rules – and not just wing it – sometimes eluded me.
Yet, Apocalypse 40K indubitably proved to be the most popular expansion by Warhammer 40K by far. And there are few things 40K-fans seem to long for more desperately than having some of the classic Forge World big-kits turned into plastic (Thunderhawks, Warhounds, etc..).
Games Workshop (as always) opted to create new units (and not port over Forge World ones).
Ultimately, it this release would leave people with a variety of options.
- Buy the new rules and buy the new miniatures
- Buy the new miniatures, ignored the (new) Apocalypse rules
- Buy the new rules, but ignore the new minis (mostly in favour of Forge World, I guess?)
- Ignore (the new) Warhammer 40K Apocalypse altogether
I’d be interested in hearing where you fall, and why.
Let me know by voting and by dropping a comment below!
Many thanks.
Warhammer 40k painted 5 Eldar Wraithguard, 1 Farseer

Warhammer 40k metal Space Marine Furioso Dreadnought - Chaos painted