How To Use The New Dataslate Formations In Warhammer 40K?

Warhammer 40K Dataslate Formations

Over the last few days, we saw Games Workshop Digital & Black Library’s new digital Advent Calendar shake up the game of Warhammer 40K. If the trend continues (almost a given with Eldar and Space Marines Formations to match the Tau Firebase Cadre Support Formation), army-list-building in 40K is suddenly very different from what most people are used to.

The change, basically, comes in 3 steps:

  1. Dataslates & Datasheets
  2. Formations
  3. Allied Formations

#1 – Dataslates & Datasheets in Warhammer 40k

Dataslates & Datasheets

Dataslates, essentially, are Games Workshops new type of (Christmas-only?) digital product for Warhammer 40K (a similar addition was made for Warhammer Fantasy). The first was the Dataslate for Be’lakor: The Dark Master.

Dataslates contain collections of one or more datasheets. Datasheets in turn can either be Army List Entries (such as Be’lakor) or Formations (such as the Tau Firebase Support Cadre).

Now, Army List Entries change relatively little in the game, they simple expand the choices available from a Codex. Formations, however, change the way armies in (non-Apocalypse) Warhammer 40K are built.

#2 – Formations in Warhammer 40K

A Formation is a collection of 2 or more models that must be taken in that particular combination. For example, the recent Tau Firebase Support Cadre Formation is made up of 1 Riptide and 6 Broadsides. Taking these units in this package-deal, they

  • get a few unique special rules (such as Tank Hunter for the Tau Firebase Support Cardre)
  • count as their own Detachment, over and in addition to the “regular” Detachment and “allied” Detachment of a conventional 6th Edition Warhammer 40K army.

Unlike “regular” and “allied” Detachments, which are limited to a maximum (and, for the main Detachment, minimum) of 1, any number of “Formation Detachments” can be included.

#3 – Allied Formations in Warhammer 40K

Last but not least, Formations (as separate Detachments), can be taken as allies, subject to the normal allies chart (e.g. a Space Marines Army could take a Tau Firebase Support Cadre as allied formation), and do not count against the limit of 1 allied detachment.

So far, only the Codex: Inquisition and the Tau Firebase Support Cadre work in this fashion, but Eldar Ghost Warriors and Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing Formations are almost guaranteed.

#4 – A New Kind of Warhammer 40K Army

Taken to it’s conclusion, FoC-restraints mean very little anymore in Warhammer 40K. An army of the “new kind” you might meet early next year may well look a bit like this.

  • Main Detachment – Space Marines

1 Space Marines HQ (Librarian on a Bike is popular I hear) and 2 Troop Choices (Space Marine Bikes)

  • Allied Detachment – Dark Angels

1 Dark Angels HQ (Bike Librarian with Force Field) and 1 Troop Choice (Scouts?)

  • Allied Formation – Tau Firebase Support Cadre

1 Riptide & 6 Broadsides, with Preferred Enemy Space Marines on top!

  • Allied Formation – Inquisition

Inquisitor Cotaez and a Chimera full of Servitors with Plasmaguns?

  • “Home” Formation – Space Marines

A Space Marines Storm Wing (1 Stormraven, 2 Storm Talons), if it comes out as Dataslate.

  • Formations – etc, etc, etc…

#5 – Thoughts?

I’ll leave it to others to build more “optimized lists”. What’s more, it seems like the system can also be used to get around the last few restrictions in the allies matrix (except for Tyranids).

If the Eldar Ghost Warriors and Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing appear as Dataslates, an Imperial Guard army main Detachment, say, could join with Chaos Daemons/Chaos Space Marine allies (Allies of Convenience) and add a Craftworld Eldar Ghost Warrior Formation and/or an Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing Formation (who can both ally with the Guard)!

The line between this and “just use whatever models you like” is becoming very thin indeed.

Crazy times ahead!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • belverker

    interesting times, added in with escalation expansion, can’t wait for the crying from people saying gw are just trying to make money, of course they are but hey i am happy for new rules and fluff

    • Bobthemim

      until they are no longer supported in GW’s… T minus 29 days.

      • belverker

        i’m pretty confident they will survive the edition and then going forward if you can’t use these rules you can still use them normally, no different then what happens with edition changes normally so i don’t see the issue

  • Matthew Callis

    So, for example, if I’m playing and utilizing the Firebase Support Cadre in a “Big Guns Never Tire” mission, are the Broadsides scoring? They are Heavy Support choices, but not using my Heavy Support slots. And does this change if I’m playing Tau or not?

    • belverker

      from my uderstanding based on how the codex inquisitor stuff works they would as they are allies that don’t use your allies spots

      • Matthew Callis

        The Inquisition codex has an FOC for you to fill. I wasn’t sure how this was defined since it had a set composition. I haven’t bought it yet so I don’t know.

        • belverker

          ah good point, not too sure now

  • Klaw79

    In regards to your example of using guard to allow Space marines (storm wing formation) and chaos in the same army. The rules for formations states that formations are subject to the ‘Levels of Alliance’ rules in regards to the rest of the army. Chaos/SM are ‘Come the Apocolype’…the rules clearly state that this can never happen.

    • Zweischneid

      But they are not allied with one another.

      The Guard is the primary Detachment. Guard can form an alliance with Space Marines. Guard can form an Alliance with Chaos Space Marines.

      No rules are technically broken.