Warhammer 40K Codex: Inquisition Up For Pre-Orders

It probably was the Games Workshop “surprise” of the month (or last month?): Codex: Inquisition. Even more so than the Codex: Adepta Sororitas, it put Games Workshop Digital Edition on the map.

Now, with a flurry of previews, Games Workshop (Black Library?) put this digital exclusive Codex for Warhammer 40K up for pre-ordres in both the eBook Edition and the interactive iPad Edition.

Codex Inquisition Previews (eBook)

Previews from the Codex Inquisition eBook Edition.

Codex Inquisition eBook Preview Preorder
Codex Inquisition Preorder Preview

Codex Inquisition Preview (iPad)

Previews from the Codex Inquisition iPad Edition.

Codex Inquisition eBook Preview Preorder
Codex Inquisition Preorder Preview

Why Preorder?

Oh, and in case you missed it, GW Digital Editions (a while ago) even responded on Facebook to the eternal question of why there are such a thing as digital pre-orders!

You don’t have to pre-order if you don’t want to, but if you do it on the iBookstore with the interactive edition, it does mean that your codex downloads automatically, as soon as the book is available, which is kind of cool.

Also, whenever we don’t do pre-orders, people always ask when they can pre-order it – some people just like to pre-order stuff.

It’s kind of like christmas when your present’s under the tree: you can see it, and you have a week to get excited about it, making the opening all the sweeter.

- Eddie

Gonna have wait another week to see if this Codex was worth the hype!

Until then, let me know if you ever pre-ordered a digital product (GW or otherwise)?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Black Library Previews Clan Raukaan Codex Supplement http://t.co/SOojNUfoZF #40k #wargaming - 4 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • belverker

    I preordered the Sisters of Battle digital codex so I didn’t spend the money before hand ;-) but I don’t see the issue for doing preorders, amazon do it and audible do it for their digital products and as they said if they didn’t offer it they would be asked why not…damned if they do, damned if they don’t

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      True enough ;)

      How’d you like the Sisters Codex? I’ve seen rather mixed reviews

      • belverker

        i like it for what it is, would i prefer a full codex? Of course but i like this one much more then the white dwarf list. There are 2 things i still don’t get with their list design for sisters, why are battle sisters 12 points…and why if celestians being pushed as mellee troops without close combat weapon options, if they fix those issues with a full codex plus add the obligatory new units i will be one happy gamer.

  • Malta

    Hmmm. Given the price, much cheaper then any other codex or supplement I am debating or not if I want this badly enough.

    Solely, I am interested in running an Ordo Xenos style Inquisitor Army but looking at the previews it would seem that largely model-wise things are still focused on the Ordo Malleus and Hereticus given the work previously build in the Sisters of Battle and Grey Knights.

  • http://lethlis.wordpress.com/ Leth

    I am most likely going to wait until I can see the rules before buying it. Especially if it allows me to build the deathwatch army I want to build I will be exstatic.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Not gonna try to dig it up, but I vaguely remember from Facebook that GW Digital said no Deathwatch (which they might be eyeing for their own digi-supplement in the far future).